Blackfly Presses:
Speak No Evil
The Three Monkeys Vol. 3

Seven stories focused on speech; rumours, gossip, dialogue... Zine includes Sentinel-themed puzzles/games, cartoons, and nursery rhymes.
Price: $14.36 U.S. shipping included.

  1. "Where Detectives Fear to Tread" by Nightowl
    Blair is thrown to the wolves.

  2. "The Price of Silence" by Arianna
    No choice is completely without consequences.

  3. "Claims" by Bog
    Just when you thought you'd heard it all...

  4. "Out of Sight" by Nightowl
    Can Blair talk his way out of this one?

  5. "Decyphering" by K. Hanna Korossy
    Analyse this! Epilogue to "Cypher".

  6. "First Day" by Kam
    Can any student truly be prepared for Anthropology 101?

  7. "Comments from the Peanut Gallery" by Nightowl
    A Spirit Guide's work is never done.

Ordering Information

Last modified June 21st, 2006.
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