Blackfly Presses:
Speak No Evil
The Three Monkeys Vol. 3
Seven stories focused on speech; rumours, gossip, dialogue... Zine includes Sentinel-themed puzzles/games, cartoons, and nursery rhymes.
Price: $14.36 U.S. shipping included.
- "Where Detectives Fear to Tread" by Nightowl
Blair is thrown to the wolves.
- "The Price of Silence" by Arianna
No choice is completely without consequences.
- "Claims" by Bog
Just when you thought you'd heard it all...
- "Out of Sight" by Nightowl
Can Blair talk his way out of this one?
- "Decyphering" by K. Hanna Korossy
Analyse this! Epilogue to "Cypher".
- "First Day" by Kam
Can any student truly be prepared for Anthropology 101?
- "Comments from the Peanut Gallery" by Nightowl
A Spirit Guide's work is never done.
Last modified June 21st, 2006.
Webmaster: Trudy A. Goold -