Blackfly Presses:
Horizontal Mosaic Vol. 11

Horizontal Mosaic Vol. 11 Cover

Seven stories (including poetry) plus the usual fun and games; each story has a colour title page.
Price: $24.93 U.S. shipping included.

  1. "Seeing is Believing" by Angelise
    NCIS - (Gibbs/DiNozzo). Gibbs gets an unexpected glimpse into Tony's past.

  2. "The Laughter of Foxes" by autiotalo
    The House of Flying Daggers - (Leo/Jin). What brings them together drives them apart.

  3. "Conflagration: Must" by Bog
    Multi-Media/Fan. Poetry inspired by Fannish activities.

  4. "Seesaw, Margery Daw" by Jenny Saypaw
    Demon Under Glass - (Simon/Joe). Is evil a matter of perspective?

  5. "Conflagration: Crap" by Bog
    Multi-Media/Fan. Poetry inspired by Fannish activities.

  6. "New Paths" by Bog
    Lord of the Rings - (Legolas/Gimli). A different take on doctor/patient confidentiality.

  7. "Storm Winds" by Lianne Burwell
    CSI - (Nick/Greg). A tornado tears Las Vegas apart.

Ordering Information

Last modified June 21st, 2006.
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