Blackfly Presses:
Chinook Vol. 7
A whopping 21 stories from Supernatural, plus a poem and some of Blackfly's usual fun and games. Each story has a colour title page.
Comb-bound, 8.5" x 11".
Price: $34.27 U.S. shipping included.
- "Family Comes First" by Rose
A man out to avenge his brother. Western AU.
- "6 Times Sam Wore Dean's Jacket" by Carole Seegraves
Beginning when Sam was three, a countdown of comfort.
- "Days of Thunder" by Vision
John lets Dean prove that he really can take care of Sammy.
- "Rites of Passage" by IMTheresa
Dean suspects the outcome of Sam's first real hunt is not what John expected.
- "No Man Can Tether Time" by James
Dean drives from one mission to the next. Maybe John will meet him.
- "Sop Doll" by black_wingedbird
It was just a stray cat, but it wanted Dean's pizza.
- "Games People Play" by JJJunky
Sorority sisters unintentionally wake an unhappy spirit.
- "Life as We Know It" by Lyn
Business as usual after a narrow escape.
- "My Strength Is Your Weakness" by K Hanna Korossy
A psychic whose clients die as predicted attracts the notice of the Winchesters.
- "Shadows" by J.M. Griffin
Sam was told to stay in the car. But Dean and Dad were no match for the beast.
- "You Can't Stand in the Middle Forever, Dean" by MalantiMage
Dean could feel his ulcer churn as John and Sam got into it again.
- "Bond of Brothers: Visions" by tag
John doesn't like being left out of the loop.
- "Push Comes to Shove" by Swellison
Dean remembers not to take the easy way out.
- "Roadhouse Blues" by Nightowl
Searching for a possible portal to Hell, Dean and Sam encounter something a bit different....
- "Snow Bound" by Joella
Facing the vengeful spirit of the abandoned is easier than talking.
- "Duet in Two Voices" by Francis Todd Garrett
In a duet, each singer relies on the other. Poem.
- "Hell No, Sam" by MalantiMage
Dean muses to amuse.
- "Yo, Rinty" by Marcia Brin
Dean finds a new best friend.
- "Dance Fever" by Brate
A Native American curse and its cure.
- "Yea, Though I Walk Through the Valley" by Kaliope
A hunt goes bad, and Sam may have to make a terrible choice.
- "Hold the Onions" by Alturas
Some things shouldn't be discussed in public.
- "Mismatched Socks" by MalantiMage
Everyone needs a little help along the way.
Last modified June 7th, 2007.
Webmaster: Trudy A. Goold -